Dental Emergencies

Dental Emergencies

If you are having discomfort and your dentist’s office is closed or you don’t have a family dentist, please do not hesitate to call Heritage Square Dental Clinic for an exam. Delaying treatment will generally make the problem worse. Our office usually has time reserved for last minute emergencies.  We will do our best to see you the same day. Most common dental emergencies are:


If you have a tooth that is sensitive, painful to bite on, or giving constant discomfort, you need to see a dentist. It may be an indication of an underlying dental issue such as a deep decay, cracked tooth or infection and these teeth get more difficult to treat the longer they are left unchecked.


The common causes of chipped or broken teeth are either trauma or a grinding and clenching habit. In most cases, these teeth can be fixed if treated quickly enough. Your dentist will evaluate the tooth and determine the best way to proceed with fixing your tooth and restoring your smile and bite. If the damage is due to grinding a mouth guard may be prescribed to prevent further damage.


Fillings and crowns are done in order to restore a tooth to its natural shape and function. While these are considered permanent restorations, from time to time they can fail due to wear and tear over the years. While it may not be an emergency, we still would like to see you as soon as possible so we can diagnose the cause of the failing restoration and fix it as soon as possible. Leaving a lost or damaged restoration can lead to further damage of the tooth, and possible discomfort later on.


If you notice pain, swelling, or a drainage of fluid coming from your tooth or gums, please call us immediately. Even if it is not painful, this can be a sign of a serious infection or abscess and it needs to be treated as soon as possible. Leaving it for too long can lead to the infection spreading to other surrounding areas and symptoms. This can lead to a systemic infection that can be very serious if not treated promptly.


A broken dental appliance such as a night guard or denture needs to be repaired. These appliances are made precisely for the function and protection of your teeth. Be aware that most appliances will need to be sent to a dental lab if they need to be repaired, modified or remade so there’s a chance you may be without it for a day or two.

Are you looking to book Dental Emergency services on south side of Edmonton, Alberta. You can come and visit us at Heritage Square Dental Clinic. Please call (780) 435-0182.

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