Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign is the newer treatment option available to patients looking for straight teeth and a beautiful smile. Now dentists can straighten your misaligned teeth without bulky traditional metal braces. At Heritage Square Dental Clinic we offer Invisalign consultations to straighten your smile with minimal interruptions to your everyday lifestyle.


Invisalign trays are BPA-free thermoplastic trays. Invisalign aligners slip over your teeth and apply controlled pressure to the teeth for proper alignment. They resemble teeth whitening trays. Invisalign treatment is indicated for numerous orthodontic issues like crowded teeth, deep overbite, open bite, gaps between teeth and cross bite cases.

Do Invisalign trays hurt? Since your trays literally move your teeth you should expect little pressure and soreness during the first few days. However, after getting used to your aligners, you will get on with your everyday life without realizing you have them on.


During your consultation, we determine your eligibility for Invisalign. Patients with gum disease and cavities must seek corrective treatment before undergoing Invisalign treatment.

Once approved, a digital scan of your teeth is needed. After scanning we can virtually simulate your treatment to see the outcome.

If you are happy with the simulated results we will send models to a dental lab to fabricate a series of dental aligners. You will wear each tray for about two weeks before moving to the next tray. This pattern continues, and slowly, your teeth will be perfectly aligned in a matter of months.


Invisalign teeth aligners are comfortable on your cheeks and gums
They don’t alter your everyday oral care hygiene
More compliance from patients


Are you interested in straightening your teeth without metal braces in Edmonton, Alberta? Please call Heritage Square Dental clinic at (780) 435-0182 to schedule an appointment.

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