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Preventive Sealants

Preventive Sealants

Dental sealants is a treatment intended to prevent tooth decay. Tooth colored material is placed in deep fissures of teeth to create a smooth surface which is easy to clean. Most commonly, dental sealants are applied to the first and second sets of permanent molars. These teeth usually grow in around ages 6 and 12....



Are you suffering from bruxism? If you wake up with a sore jaw or headache you could be one of the millions who have bruxism. If you notice any signs please see your dentist. At Heritage Square Dental Clinic in south Edmonton, Alberta, we help diagnose bruxism and fabricate custom night guards to protect your...

Dental Emergencies

Dental Emergencies

If you are having discomfort and your dentist’s office is closed or you don’t have a family dentist, please do not hesitate to call Heritage Square Dental Clinic for an exam. Delaying treatment will generally make the problem worse. Our office usually has time reserved for last minute emergencies.  We will do our best to...

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a quick and cost-effective way to rejuvenate your smile. You must ensure that you have healthy teeth and gums as conspicuous dental work like old crowns and restorations can’t be whitened. Want to brighten your smile in Edmonton, Alberta? Consider professional teeth whitening from Heritage Square Dental Clinic for a safe and...

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign is the newer treatment option available to patients looking for straight teeth and a beautiful smile. Now dentists can straighten your misaligned teeth without bulky traditional metal braces. At Heritage Square Dental Clinic we offer Invisalign consultations to straighten your smile with minimal interruptions to your everyday lifestyle. WHAT ARE INVISALIGN TRAYS MADE OF...

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

If you have development defects of teeth. Stubborn stains which don’t go away after a professional teeth cleaning or whitening and gaps in your teeth, dental veneers are for you. If you are not confident about your smile you can change your smile for better by choosing dental veneers. At Heritage Square Dental Clinic we...

Dental Implant

Dental Implant

Dental implants mimic the look, feel, and performance of your natural teeth. It is a fixed permanent way to replace missing teeth or severely decayed non restorable teeth that requires an extraction. If taken good care off, they can potentially last for life. Please see us at Heritage Square Dental Clinic to discover the permanent...

Partial and Complete Dentures

Partial and Complete Dentures

Dentures are removable artificial replacements for your natural teeth and gums. We might suggest dentures to replace your missing teeth if you’ve lost a few or all your teeth because of an accident, disease or poor oral health. For dentures your dentist or denturist takes a model of your teeth by taking impressions. The models...

Dental Restorations

Dental Restorations

If you have tooth decay, loose or lost fillings or a chipped tooth, a dental filling/ dental restorations are options to treat the bad part. You could opt for either white or silver fillings. At Heritage Square Dental Clinic, we will discuss the best filling suitable for your current clinical needs.  So when you need...

Dental Bridge

Dental Bridge

If you lost a tooth or teeth due to disease, decay, or injury, it does affect your oral health in many ways. Remaining teeth have to work hard to compensate for the tooth loss. Spaces from missing teeth worsen the situation. Tooth loss changes the way you chew and speak. Dental bridges at Heritage Square...