

Are you suffering from bruxism? If you wake up with a sore jaw or headache you could be one of the millions who have bruxism. If you notice any signs please see your dentist. At Heritage Square Dental Clinic in south Edmonton, Alberta, we help diagnose bruxism and fabricate custom night guards to protect your teeth against grinding and clenching.


Bruxism is a condition where you involuntarily clench and grind your teeth at night or during a nap. There are two types:

  • Sleep bruxism: It happens when you are asleep. You rarely know it’s happening unless you notice dental damage. Some cases your partner notices your teeth clenching/grinding habit.
  • Awake bruxism: Patients clench and grind their teeth during the day. This has been tied to emotional issues, tiredness, anxiety, and stress.

If ignored for long this condition causes sore muscles, headaches, dental damage and TM J-related pain. If you notice signs of bruxism, please book an appointment.


Mouth guards are custom-designed, thin plastic guards that only fit your teeth. They are commonly referred to as “night guards” because they are typically worn at night when most patients grind their teeth.

You can get night guards from stores but we recommend custom-made night guards. In office night guards are made after taking custom molds of your dentition which results in an appliance that fits well.


Wearing a night guard consistently can prevent dental damage, reduce headaches, jaw pain, and muscle strain and constrain the bruxism pattern.

Prevention is always the most cost-effective way to protect your smile. Please call (780) 435-0182 to book an appointment with Heritage Square Dental Clinic for your custom made mouth guard.

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