Dental Bridge

Dental Bridge

If you lost a tooth or teeth due to disease, decay, or injury, it does affect your oral health in many ways. Remaining teeth have to work hard to compensate for the tooth loss. Spaces from missing teeth worsen the situation. Tooth loss changes the way you chew and speak. Dental bridges at Heritage Square Dental Clinic can restore your oral functionality and complete your smile.


A dental bridge is an artificial tooth (pontic) held together between two dental crowns taking support from adjoining natural teeth. Whether you have lost one, two, or several teeth, dental bridges may be your option to filling in the gap. Long span bridges for more missing teeth are not recommended as it affects the stability of bridge.

Dental bridges require reshaping the adjoining teeth to create  room for dental crowns. For this reason, most patients prefer implant-supported crowns or bridges anchored in the jawbone instead of adjacent teeth. This way, you can replace your missing teeth without affecting the health of the surrounding teeth.


During your initial consultation, the dentist examines your teeth and gums with the help of an exam & X-rays. Then your dentist will present the treatment plan based on your situation whether traditional bridge or an implant supported bridge is a good option.

For traditional bridges, our dentist will prepare the adjacent teeth, take your impressions and send those impressions to a dental lab to custom make your dental bridge. Since this process may take a couple of weeks, your dentist will install a temporary bridge to protect your prepped teeth.

Once your porcelain bridge is ready, your dentist will cement the bridge all together on your teeth to fill in the gap. Our dentist will make any necessary adjustments until your bridge feels comfortable and aligns with your bite.


Dental bridges offer many benefits, including:

Restore your oral functionality

Restore your confidence

Prevent the adjacent teeth from shifting


Easy to maintain

A dental bridge is a simple procedure to restore the function and beauty of your smile. If you would like to replace your lost teeth with a dental bridge in Edmonton, Alberta, please call (780) 435-0182 to book an appointment with Heritage Square Dental Clinic.

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