Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions

Tooth removal or tooth extraction is indicated if you have a severely decayed or damaged tooth and dental restorations or other treatment modalities can’t salvage it. No one likes losing their natural teeth. However, sometimes that’s the only best option you have to protect your dental health. You can trust Heritage Square Dental Clinic for tooth removal services. Due to modern anesthetics and techniques, tooth removal is a fast and painless procedure now a days.

Once the tooth is pulled out of the socket and the tissue heals, we have tooth replacement options for you to replace and fill the gap.


Your Dentist may recommend tooth removal if:

  • You have a severely decayed or damaged tooth
  • You have a cracked tooth which is non restorable
  • You have an impacted wisdom teeth or 3rd molars
  • Your tooth causes overcrowding and is recommended for orthodontic treatment
  • Your tooth is retained or supernumerary(extra tooth) affecting oral dental health


 After the x-rays and clinical exam of the tooth in question, our dentist will go through the finding and generate a treatment plan. If extraction is needed we will take a verbal or written consent from you.

To perform an extraction, first we numb your mouth using numbing gel and anesthetic. Once the area is numb we use gentle tools to extract your tooth. Some cases may need difficult surgical extractions. Reasons can vary from an impacted tooth, root canal treated tooth, tooth broken below gum line, severe curvature or flaring of tooth roots and many more. In such cases we makes an incision on your gum to access the trapped tooth. After removing the tooth, we clean the area and suture it to help healing. Painkillers are generally needed after the tooth removal and prescribed after the procedure.

Before you leave the office our team will give you after-care tips to ensure a smooth recovery.


Are you looking for dental extraction services in South side Edmonton, Alberta? You can trust Heritage Square Dental Clinic in the Heritage area. Please call (780) 435-0182. Our dental services include tooth removal services.

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